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Nevada City Little League Store

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NU Miners Pre-Season Baseball Camp $50.00 Per Item
2024 Feb. 4th, 11th & 18th for Boys & Girls Ages 4 and up Please join us for our Pre-Season Miner Baseball Camp, hosted by Nevada Union High School Baseball. This camp is designed to teach coaches and players the “FUNDAMENTALS of the Game” and get you ready for the upcoming season. Please fill out the registration form found on our Home page or in the Downloads link on our website and bring it with you to the camp.
Snack Shack Deposit $150.00 Per Item
This is usually collected as a check at document check, which is held for the season, and returned after you have fulfilled your required snack shack shifts (or cashed if you have not). You can choose to pay via CC, and request an refund at the end of the season after you have fulfilled your snack shack duties. This does not include field hours such as, but not limited to: Scorebook, Pitch Count, Scoreboard, Field Setup and Field Cleanup.
Snack Shack Buyout $150.00 Per Item
This allows a parent to buyout of their Snack Shack shifts only. This is a $150 buyout per player (enrolled in an upper field program). This does not include field hours such as, but not limited to: Scorebook, Pitch Count, Scoreboard, Field Setup and Field Cleanup. Please download the Snack Shack Buyout form found in our downloads section. This form must be turned in at document verification's. This buyout option is only available prior to the commencement of the Spring season.
TBall Team Sponsorship $300.00 Per Item
Single Season TBall Team Sponsorship
Farm Team Sponsorship $300.00 Per Item
Single Season Farm Team Sponsorship
Minor Team Sponsorship $300.00 Per Item
Single Season Minor Team Sponsorship
Major Team Sponsorship $325.00 Per Item
Single Season Major Team Sponsorship
Junior Team Sponsorship $325.00 Per Item
Single Season Junior Team Sponsorship
Outfield Sign Sponsorship $350.00 Per Item
Single Season Outfield Sign Sponsorship
Web Sponsorship Add On $30.00 Per Item
With sign sponsorship, have your logo and link to your company on our league landing page
All Star Payment $65.00 Per Item
All star online payment option for players who continue to the post season.